Sunday, October 31, 2010

30 Days of Peace Quotes

My blog pal Goodnight Gram was in the hospital all last week, having a surgery and then recovering.  She's home now, getting her rest and continuing to recover, knitting and thinking about stones.  In fact, she wondered if I might come up with a Peace Quote about stones.

And so I went looking, and sure enough...

"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock."  Thomas Jefferson

The 7th Blog Blast for Peace is Thursday.  You have a voice.  What will you say?

Check the top of my side bar to your left and click on any of the Peace Globe links for all the information you need to participate in this year's Blog Blast for Peace.  Or go directly to Mimi Writes and click any of the links just beneath the blog header.

If you need help with your Globe, let me know in comments.

You know you want to join us.  Come on.  Do it.

I believe that words have power, so this matters.

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